Meet Our Fabulous Author Cheryl Taragin
I’m a first-time author, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, and a proud mother and grandmother. My background is in law and behavioral science.
I’m a first-time author, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, and a proud mother and grandmother. My background is in law and behavioral science.
I am a 25 year old native of NY with years of experience in early childhood education.
I am a mom to a funny, bright, kind, caring, and beautiful 20-month little girl. I enjoy writing, reading, exercising, baking, cooking, and spending quality time with family and friends, as well...
I am a past educator who resides in Virginia and I love spending my time writing.
I reside in South Florida, USA, and I am the proud rescue dog dad of Scruffy. My background is in law, so writing a children’s book was a great challenge for me.
I live in Seattle, Washington and am a mom of one. My background is in education and I have worked mostly with English language learners in schools and tutoring centers.
I am a licensed clinical therapist in private practice working with both adolescents and adults with a focus on treating anxiety.