The Power of Kindness: Through the Eyes of Children by Ruth Maille
We often underestimate the impact of kindness, a listening ear or even just a smile can make a big difference on those who need it.
The Power of Kindness is a beautiful book that shows the different forms of kindness through the eyes of kindergarten children and gives a message of spreading smiles and happiness in this world. Orbit asks children about kindness, and their cute and unique answers to look and feel kindness in simple acts of daily life surely melts your heart. It truly depicts how a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s day.
Illustrations are beautiful and feature children from diverse backgrounds that inspire us to be kind and empathetic towards others. This picture book has the power to make a change in the thought process of children and encourages them to make this world a beautiful place to live for all.
Grab your copy of The Power of Kindness Through the Eyes of Children and get access to the Kindness Matters song and other goodies from the Author’s site.
Perfect for 2+
Available on Amazon.