Sam: The Cat Without a Tail by Gloria Lintermans
Sam: The Cat Without A Tail follows the trials of Sam, a young Manx cat with a soft, white puff of a tail. As he discovers that he is indeed different from everyone around him, he learns and helps...
Sam: The Cat Without A Tail follows the trials of Sam, a young Manx cat with a soft, white puff of a tail. As he discovers that he is indeed different from everyone around him, he learns and helps...
When Maddy’s had a tough day, she can always count on Mom and Dad, who love her most, to turn her Grumpa, Grumpa Day, into a happy one. “Maddy’s Grumpa, Grumpa Day” is sure...
Because of his unusual appearance, a little bee is nicknamed Wanna-Be by his fellow bees. Wanna-Be is bullied by his peers and feels unwelcome. Fortunately, one day he meets Maya, who becomes his...
From the moment Clark shows up in her first grade class, Gertie knows he’s going to be trouble. Clark doesn’t follow any of the rules. He calls her Gertrude the Rude and gets her blamed for...
Come one, come all, to the Kingdom of Montroy, where there lives a very important boy. His name is Alexander, he is the Pillowcase Prince, and he gets into loads of adventures with his very best...
This book is dedicated to the kids who put up with all the very, terribly, awfully, painfully, bad jokes from their dads! At the beginning of the book, you’re met by a new friend whose Dad...
Being a prince, Theo has everything he needs to be happy. But sadly, he always sees the bad side of things, causing him to be miserable. His father, the king, comes up with a brilliant plan to...