Q: First tell us something about yourself?
I am La Manda Jeannine Davis, from Hollywood California. I come from a musical family. My dad was Hal Davis, music producer for Motown Records. He created and established many singers careers, such as The Jackson 5, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, Bette Midler, Thelma Houston and many more. My mother was a painter and writer, a stay at home mom who taught me how to read. I credit my parents for their discipline in my life and how it carries me through my adult years. I am an alumni of Los Angeles Film school, this was a birthing place for my creativity to elevate. I studied and graduated with my business degree in Entertainment and have been living my blessed life. I love being active in my church and I seek inspiration and truth from God’s love in my life. I now have the courage and confidence to stand on my own and to believe in myself to witness my given gift.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
My journey with writing started at age 5! I was a little song writer.(wonder where I ot that from??) It was a song titled “Root beer.” I loved it! It Drove everyone in the house crazy with it, but I loved root beer as a child and my grandmother and I would make root beer floats and drink them on her patio. It was a glorious time. Years changed, my writing changed, it matured to poems, letters to pen pals from Spain,(that was FUN) and as a teen I mostly wrote about how I was blossoming into a young woman.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I wrote SURPRISE ITS JUST PEE in 2014 .Its my first. The story started out very dark at first. I was in a place in my life that I was literally running on empty. Working 4 jobs, going back to school after 30, and the burden trying to make loved ones happy wore me out, I felt depleted.
It was 2016 that I decided to quit my job and attend school full time and took the chance to see if I could really WIN by just being me. After I graduated , I started my Tangerine Tale LLC. In 2018 I revised my story. Tangerine kept peeing on my bed and I was getting frustrated.
So I wrote about it and the story poured out of me! It was almost as if it was downloaded inside of me. I started on a warm Monday evening in September and finished writing by Tuesday morning at 4am. It was the best experience.
I encountered a new me. I recently was published during our pandemic in 2020 from Trilogy Publisher, a cable network, after coming home from my trip in Jerusalem…It was a miracle for me.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
SURPRISE ITS JUST PEE is a real life story. When I was little, I used to pee on my bed and my grandmas’ bed too. So this story has heartfelt message to adults to not shame any child for wetting the bed, or for any pet wetting the bed or furniture. I suffered some trauma as a child and my body was telling me something was wrong. It was my grandma who did not shame me, but laughed at me! My grandmother was the BEST! She is GRANDMA TEE TEE in SURPRISE ITS JUST PEE. And I am TANGERINE! In the book, there are my family characteristics, my grandad who my grandma loved so much, (you’ll see a picture of him in Cat character on grandma night stand) Lovely little fun memories I have about love, compassion and humor.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
I chose kids as my readers for this particular book because it offered me a lifestyle change. In order for me to create a story, I had to first eliminate adult habits which were learned from survival of life. I thank God for giving me a second chance for me to accept me as I am regardless of how others may think about me. I think kids start with such innocence and purity and then life somehow takes away our loud shout as a child to a weak wimperto just stay alive. It was a road for me to heal and soul search before I could write. Once I turned my life around, that’s when the magic happened. I want to remind parents first to gain THEIR shout back and their belief in themselves. As for kids, I want to reach them now to show proof, they can WIN at being who they are and to discern who they are without the approval of anyone.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
My story and characters came to my mind from the love of my cat and my grandma and family. I miss them.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
My message to my readers is simple. Be grateful for ALL your life, the good, the not so good. This life is not just for you, but for others too that are in need for a voice. Become a voice and light to those who might feel voiceless. DON’T LOSE YOUR SHOUT and keep the desires of your heart, you will see them come to pass. JUST ASK ME!