The Notorious A.B.C. (Music Legends and Learning for Kids) by Benjamin Darling
For all music loving parents, The Notorious ABC is the perfect way to share with your kids the music of your childhood. From the artist, to the music and the culture. Every page honors a different hip-hop artist, from Run DMC to Salt n’ Pepa and The Sugarhill Gang.
The Notorious ABC is a twist on traditional ABC books that highlights and celebrates the 80s and 90s rap music by featuring an artist and rap-themed words alongside some basic words such as apple, cat, and dog. So this book works as a perfect introduction to these musical legends for your children.
This beautifully illustrated musical ABC book is the celebration of 80s and 90s rap and hip-hop music that is sure to fascinate beginning readers and rappers to learn their melodic vocabularies such as Boombox, Guitar, drum machine, and microphone.
This fun and educational board book gives children an opportunity to be introduced to a new musical world, expand their vocabulary and potentially create opportunities to connect with the ’90s music and rap culture.
Perfect for 0+
Grab your copy from Amazon.