Mike’s Gamestation by Barbara Marie Hinyard
Mike’s Gamestation introduces the concept of money to children from an early age and teaches them about the value of money and hard work.
A young boy named Mike wants to buy a Gamestation 5, and when he discusses this with his dad, he suggests, why don’t you earn some money on your own. I will give you some money for managing your room and some you can earn by doing the chores around the house like cutting neighbors’ grass.
His parents want him to take responsibility, so they encourage him to work hard and guide him to fulfill his dream of buying a Gamestation 5. I love how Mike’s parents took him to the bank, opened an account, and helped him count and deposit his money.
This book is an inspirational and motivating read for young kids and explains the concept of banking and saving in a fun way.
The illustrations are beautiful and inspire children to save money for their favorite toys.
I can leave you with this message that I found very inspiring.
“If you want something in life, work hard for it. No one is going to hand it to you.”
Perfect for 3+
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