Mia’s Self Esteem: A FriendTales Story by Emily Martin
Mia’s Self Esteem is a fantastic comic book that helps children discover their true selves and tell them that it’s okay to be who you are, don’t look for others’ approval, and do things that make you happy.
Mia is a popular girl at school, captain of the volleyball team, has good grades, and everyone loves her. But deep down in her heart, she feels disappointed with herself because she doesn’t feel happy or passionate about anything she does. She always looks for people’s approval and her parents’ happiness.
Join Mia on her beautiful journey of self-discovery and open up different sides to her character that inspires children to listen to their inner voice, love themselves, and encourage them to show their true colors to the world without worrying about others’ approval.
This beautiful comic book helps children gain confidence, realize their true worth, and teaches them to love themselves.
Perfect for 5+
Grab your copy from Amazon.