Q: First tell us something about yourself.
I am a mom of 3 boys, a high school math teacher, a wife, and an entrepreneur. My book, My Fairy Sisters: Leo and Bear, has been a source of joy for many as the proceeds of the sale have gone to my annual holiday gift drives geared towards children who live in group homes. My community service and my hobbies introduced me to the land of pageantry. Thus, I was crowned Miss Wisconsin for America Strong in 2022 and I placed top 6 at the national pageant Miss for America. In the future, I see myself writing more books and competing in more pageants while wearing my family and teacher hats.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
I have always been a writer. Writing comes to me during my deepest thoughts and sadness. However, I decided to write my book after an encounter with one of my students. She was beautiful and smart but always absent. I caught her crying one day and contemplating committing suicide. I learned that her parents died. She and her brother had to split up to live in group homes. Her grandmother was abusive so they could not stay with her. This girl hated her life in the group home. Up to that point, I have never heard of group homes. I started researching. My book was born as a message of hope to all children who have lost their parents. I want them to know that there are good people in this world who will help guide them. Hence, the fairies.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I wrote my story in the year 2021 and I self published it as I was not sure how to get it published. This was my first time. I promote it through my presence at as many fairs as possible and through my pageant appearances. I have a few physical copies left. I also sell it on Amazon kindle.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
It has great illustrations as I hired a professional. The sentences are short and they rhyme.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader? Is there any specific reason?
Looking back at the books that I read as a child, I realized that I remember them because of the messages they held. Many books and stories were a warning for us as children and that is why when we get to that experience as an adult we remember the stories. I want people to remember this story of hope every time they meet a kind person who helps them in any situation.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
My story was inspired by my students’ story (the one whom I mentioned in the second question). The fairies in my story are my sister and I. My sister and I are first generation immigrants. We come from a broken home but we’ve had each other’s backs our whole lives. Our sister- love is what I wanted everyone to experience. Thus, the fairies in my book are inspired by my sister and me. The kids are inspired by my student and her brother.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
If you are someone who feels that the adults around you are failing you. Do not fret. Have faith. The right people will come into your lives to save you. These people are not always family. Follow your heart and your dreams. Listen to your thoughts and vision. Stay with whomever will help you make your dreams come true. The dreams that you wish will definitely come true if you persevere.