Q: First tell us something about yourself?
I am Sherricka Carpenter Stanley. Born and raised in Durham, NC. I currently reside in Greensboro, NC where I attended NCA&TSU (Aggie Pride) I am a mother, wife and author. I am a former educator of 20+ years of students in both middle and High School. I am the lover of a rainy day, football, flannel pajamas and a good book. I am passionate about the things and people that I love. That’s me in a nutshell.
Q: How and when your journey started as a writer?
Writing has always been part of my life; a way I expressed myself. It’s my ‘go to’ when I want to express myself in my most authentic way. I always try to speak truth when I put pen to paper. Whether it was writing speeches at every grade level when I was in school, to poems for my family, or just writing my thoughts, journaling, it has always been an integral part of who I am. I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not writing or reading.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
My first story, I’m sure I wrote in grade school. I do not remember exactly what it was, but it was not published. My first published piece of work is my debut book, “I Fit IN Just Right!” this past December 2020.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
My books represent my passions. My passion is family and the uplifting of people of color. Specifically African-American/Black. I want my books to show the Black experience in a way that everyone walks away feeling like they could relate to the characters I create or the words I have written. I want them to know that many of our experiences are shared, but I also want to help refashion many of the narratives that need to be changed about us, as well. So, one book at a time, I’ll do my part to make sure we are represented well!
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
I actually don’t want to be known as just a children’s author because I want to write and am working on projects for all ages. But, to answer this question, I choose children because I love their sense of wonder !! I loved reading to my children the same book over and over every night and I want to create something that every child will want their parents to read to them over and over again. I want to create something timeless and generational. That happens in the world of children’s books every day!! I want to put my stamp on that world!
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
My first book, I wrote it one night after being inspired while holding my daughter when she was a baby. I saw how she “fit in just right” into my arms and had the thought of how babies seem to fit in all of our nooks and crannies. From there, I put her down in her crib and ran and typed out what I heard in my thoughts! Other characters that I am working on come from all sorts of places. It may simply be a one liner that someone says that I hear as a book. Or something in nature that I see. Or simply an untold story that I can find nowhere else. They come from all over actually.
Q: Do you want to give any message for your readers?
I would love to tell them to find that thing that you are passionate about and pursue it! Go for the dreams that you want for your life no matter what age you are. I am living my dreams and I am 47 years old. This is just the beginning!! Begin a new, today!