Book Review
El Lechon Choncho:Choncho the Pig By Jennifer S. Segarra
It was a noisy and happy evening at Ortiz’s home, and everyone was getting ready for bed. The two girls Anna and Antonia are very excited to visit their grandmother’s farm in Puerto Rico.
They heard so many stories from their mum about the farm in which they had a lot of animals like a large bull, chickens, ducks, cows, and everyone’s favorite, a pig named “El Lechon Choncho” aka Choncho the Pig. Choncho was the biggest pig, pinkish-white, heavy than a truck, and he had big ears that stand always upright. He is the funniest, bravest, sweetest, and smartest pig. The pig has a permanent smile on his face. Their mother didn’t like that pig much until the pig saved her life. So get ready to read this adorable story of a brave Choncho who takes you on an adventurous journey on the farm.
It’s a cute and adorable story that reminds me of a famous book Animal Farm. It has vibrant illustrations all over full of cute animal characters that help children to understand the story by the picture themselves. This book gives a message of bravery and helps others. It’s a bilingual book in Spanish and English.
Perfect for 3+
Book is available on Amazon