Doctoroo! & the Case of the Hacking Hippo by Dr. Rachel B. Wellner M.D.
Dr. Marsha and her crew live in Australia and teach healthy habits to the other animals in their town. Dr. Marsha turns into Doctoroo to help solve mysteries all over the world.
One day, Dr. Marsha receives a letter from the Opera house, Hilda the Hippo, a famous Opera singer, asks for her help because she keeps getting sick and she is worried about her performance for the Queen of England.
So get ready to solve the mystery of Hilda’s getting sick with Dr. Marsha and her crew, who takes the reader on the journey to Sydney Opera House and teaches kids about personal hygiene, handwashing, etc.
In this book, you will meet so many cute animal characters, Dr. Marsha, the Kangaroo, Terence, the Toad, Louie, the Llama, Patti the pig, Geoffrey the Giraffe, and Steven the Skunk, who makes this book fun and enjoyable to read for children.
This book teaches children the importance of personal cleanliness in a fun manner as these healthy habits of personal hygiene help us protect our bodies from germs, illness and keep us fit and healthy.
Perfect for 3+
Grab your copy from Amazon.