Brown Skin Girl by Ashley H. Johnson
Believing and knowing that your skin color is beautiful is important for the younger generation to know! Brown Skin Girl is an incredible book with a message to empower and encourage young brown girls to embrace themselves as they are and be proud of their different skin tones and unique features.
All brown skin girls have to start seeing themselves in a positive light and embrace their true selves. In this book, a little brown girl tells that she loves everything about her, from her skin color to curly hair, her small hands to little feet and her inner qualities. She believes her sun-kissed skin and unique features make her beautiful and amazing.
I recommend this book to all little brown girls to understand that beauty is skin deep, and their skin color is beautiful in each tone, and they need to embrace it. I’m sure after reading this book, every little brown girl feels proud of their skin color and unique features.
Brown Skin Girl is one such book that we can read daily with young children to boost their confidence and build healthy self-esteem.
Perfect for 1+
This book is available on Amazon.