The Wise Men Journey Searching for the King: Devotions, Prayers & Bible Stories to Discover the True Excitement of Christmas by Lynette Meintjes
The Wise Men Journey is a beautiful book that takes you on a journey where you can experience that each day is a gift of God, and in twenty-five days of the Christmas journey, you will know the true meaning of love, light, happiness, gratitude, hope, peace and much more. Each day filled with love and devotion takes you closer to God and helps you discover the hidden gems in the Word of God.
In this book, Three wise men decided to go on their journey to search for the Light, Jesus, the Son of God, and they followed a star from the east that went on before them and led them to the Light.
Join the wise men on their exciting journey to discover true joy and excitement while searching for God.
These beautiful stories inspire children to believe in prayers and remind them that the only joy we’ll ever find in our life is the joy we find in Jesus.
This book encourages children to seek emotional healing from God to deal with their fears and everyday situations and helps children realize the true meaning of life. This charming picture book has so many teachings that make it easier for parents to teach children about God and his doing so they can understand why we have to pray every day.
Perfect for all ages.
Grab your copy from Amazon.
Visit wisemenjourney.com to order this fun and exciting treasure box.