The Adventure of Asher and Rocket by Shawna Keyes
Get ready for this space adventure mission of Asher who takes you on his bumpy ride to Planet NICU, where the spaceship is his bed, the doctor and nurses are the other members of the galaxy, and his only mission is to get back home.
In this book, Asher described his NICU journey himself as a space adventure, with his Popo and his friend Rocket by his side, and how he would come out as a real fighter and win all battles.
Asher was born prematurely at 26 weeks, this book shows his miraculous journey through his tiny eyes and how he becomes the strongest little person and makes his parents proud.
Follow Asher and Rocket as they blast through the NICU galaxy, conquering each mission to get home.
This beautifully illustrated book offers a positive way to see them as the strongest and miracle children and provides hope for other families that experience the NICU and premature birth.
Perfect for 3+
Grab your copy from Amazon.