Off to Nana and Grandma’s Home by Gayathri R. Waring
We are off to Nana and Grandma’s home!
Off to Nana and Grandma’s Home is a charming book that depicts the love and warmth of a special bond between a child and his two lesbian grandparents.
Grandma’s are real blessings for children, and their unconditional love and teachings help children understand the value of family and show them that how to enjoy each other’s company irrespective of different choices.
In this book, a grandchild explains why he loves to spend time with his Nana and Grandma, how they are completely different, but love him unconditionally. The book is based on a true story, features dynamic and colorful illustrations, and the book cover gives a message of diversity and inclusion for children as well as for adults and I recommend this book to children so they can cherish their bond with their grandparents.
Perfect for 3+
This book is available on Amazon.