Nella’s Kindness Kicks by NelliRose Farella
Nella’s Kindness Kicks is an inspirational picture book that gives a strong message of spreading smiles and happiness in this world and encourages children to be kind and empathetic towards each other.
Nella is ready to begin her new school day with her Kindness Kicks.
As you take a trip to school with Nella, you’ll meet Miss J, her principal, and her friends Tino, Lou, Amara, and Marcus. Nella’s magical shoes stick to the ground whenever she makes mistakes or is rude to her friends. Her kindness kicks remind her from time to time to be kind to one another.
Join Nella on her learning journey to know the true meaning of kindness, and with the help of kindness kicks, Miss J and her classmates, she learns how one small act of kindness can make a big difference.
Nella’s Kindness Kicks is a short and sweet book that gives a powerful message of kindness and positive behavior and encourages children to make this world a beautiful place to live for all.
Perfect for 3+
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