Q: First tell us something about yourself?
I am a very happy mum of 3 amazing children and have been teaching in primary schools for over 20 years. I enjoy spending time with my family, baking and I love to read, I will read absolutely anything and everything! Most of all, I love to laugh and be silly and just try to have fun!
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
My journey as a writer began after the birth of my second child. He was a very anxious toddler and lacked confidence in so many aspects of childhood. My third child came along and she also doubted herself and her abilities. Their lack of belief in themselves was soul destroying as they constantly felt that they were not ‘good enough’ or ‘I can’t do that like such a person can.’ Despite reassuring them that they were great as they were (and they were and still are!) the only way that I could really get this message home to them was through telling stories and so “The Amazing Hidden Talents of Anibabs’ was created!
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
The first book of the series ‘Bubbles’ was told to my children a quite a few years ago but only this year did I write the story and publish it.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
The stories in the series are about a little girl called Anibabs. This name is my daughter’s first two names put together! In each story she discovers that she has an amazing hidden talent. In this first book her talent is that of blowing bubbles. Not just normal bubbles but ones from her ears and nose in all sorts of sizes, shapes and of fruits, animals and vehicles too! It is a funny, imaginative story that has many messages. The idea is to help children understand that we are all different, we are all unique and we are all amazing. No-one can do what Anibabs can do and that’s ok! We all have our own strengths, and we can all adopt an “I can” attitude if we try.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
As a teacher and then a parent, I knew that a child’s imagination is quite magical and key to their development. These stories capture the imagination of children and are fun but with a deeper meaning to try and help children to understand that they too are amazing! If these stories can help just one child to feel better about themselves, like it did with my own, then all the hard work is worth it!
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
‘Bubbles’ was just one of the talents that came to mind after actually blowing bubbles with my children. The talents had to be something unique. This way, my children could understand that it’s ok not to be able to do something that someone else can do! So, while we couldn’t blow bubbles of dogs and cows or of squares and trains, like Anibabs, we COULD blow bubbles and this led on to talk about all the other amazing things they could do!
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers
For adults…
The messages that come from these stories can be quite powerful for our little ones. There is so much competition and feelings of needing to be the best that it is easy to forget to praise the little things they do and remind them of how great they are. If you enjoyed ‘Bubbles’ then please keep an eye out for the next story in the series which will be released early 2023!
For more ways to help your child please follow my fun daily posts on Instagram anibabs_bysarahviz and on Twitter @anibabs_books
For children…
Have fun, be kind, be positive, be you! You are amazing!