Q: First tell us something about yourself?
A: Hi! I’m Nia, Founder & CEO of Nia & Ntombi Adventures. As a young adolescent, I possessed an innate ability for “giving.” If there was a need, it was natural for me to try and make it happen. It was like breathing. As an adult, this inner sense of giving has since seasoned to a deeper meaning and larger cause. This gift of grace helped to shape my life beyond my understanding.
Q: How and when your journey started as a writer?
A: Honestly I’m not quite sure how, but I will say since I’ve continued building my brand, the thought just entered my mind one day and thus I began putting pen to paper. From that, my first book was written.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
A: Ntombi’s Beach Adventure is my first book. It was self-published in October 2020.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
A: From the Ntombi Adventures series, my first book titled, Ntombi’s Beach Adventure, was written for the enjoyment of children and families. My books focus on the meaning of giving while teaching lessons along the way. The next release is coming soon, so stay tuned for many more!
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader? Is there any specific reason?
A: Children are remarkable! At an early age, they begin to extend their oral language skills to reading and writing. Exposure to a variety of new and positive experiences helps to shape the learning experiences by encouraging healthy habits to help them flourish.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
A: Through my brand, I always want to show the power of gratitude. It is my philosophy that when we give of our time to serve others, a sense of appreciation and compassion for humanity awakens within. The main character Ntombi (pronounced “na-tom-bi”) shows us the way, won’t you join in on the adventure?
Q: Do you want to give any message for your readers?
A: Absolutely. I want readers to know that life is an adventure awaiting discovery and you are your greatest adventure. I hope to inspire those to discover life’s hidden treasures through stories of hope, joy, and love with Ntombi, the Adventurous Monkey.