Q: First tell us something about yourself?
A: I was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada and my parents are from the Caribbean. I studied General Arts and Teaching at The University of Ottawa, and I hold Bachelor’s degrees in both areas. My hobbies include writing, reading, learning about topics that interest me, watching some tv shows and movies, listening to music, travelling, and spending time outdoors.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
A: My journey as a writer started as a young poet in school! I began writing little poems in the third grade and continued throughout adolescence. I published my first poem at age 17 titled “Always Be Who You Are” which was featured in the National Anthology of Poetry for North America. I also created poems which were displayed on the back of our high school yearbook and recited in our school talent shows. I was a creative and introspective child, so writing gave me the opportunity to observe what was happening around me, reflect on my innermost thoughts, and voice them in a way that could help to inspire others.
Q: Tell us something about your books?
A: There are now two exciting books in the ‘Michie and Vylette Bunny’ series! The Adventures of Vylette Bunny and Michie: Love at First Bite followed by The Adventures of Vylette Bunny and Friends: Michie on a Mission. The series was designed to instruct children about the importance of proper pet care, problem-solving, adaptability, friendship and having unconditional love for your pets. I know that like 12-year-old Michie, many kids dream of having a pet. It can be a rewarding experience, but it requires patience and dedication to responsibility as well. Vylette is a sweet bunny, but she can be a bit mischievous with her nibbling. The second book follows Michie who befriends a neighbourhood stray tabby cat called “Tuffy.” Along with the help of her family, she takes on the mission “Operation Help Tuffy” to find him a home. Vylette and her brother Chocolat are reunited and living under a caring roof with Michie. How will the bunnies feel about their caregiver’s mission to help Tuffy? Although it was important to have giggle moments in the stories, it was also valuable to include positive messages and morals which could foster valuable discussions with little ones. Many happy readings to you!
Q: Why do you choose kids as your readers? Is there any specific reason?
A: I chose kids as my readers because I am a highly creative and curious adult and from my previous experiences of teaching in a classroom, I understand how curious and creative many children can be as well! As an author, it becomes easy to reach them with these stories featuring humour, originality, imagination, and important lessons. It was also important for me to contribute to the development of building literacy for early readers! I know that not every child enjoys picking up a book and reading but so many enjoy having books read to them. This was a wonderful way for me to use my creativity to promote literacy and critical thinking skills.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
A: As an author, I must imagine what the characters on the pages are thinking and how they are feeling about the situations. It is important for me to think about what is happening around them to better process how they feel and what they do. When we meet people in real life, always remember that everybody has a story, and nobody is perfect! If we can observe what is happening around another person, we might be able to understand them better and maybe even help them in some way. No matter what you look like, where you are from, or what others say, anybody can help make a difference! (Even in the smallest way).