Q: First tell us something about yourself.
I am a huge bookworm! (Hence why the main character of my story has a book in her purse.) When I was little, I had a major interest in reading but my love for books really developed my freshman year of college (2005). I have since then kept a list of every single book I have read and it gives me great satisfaction to continue to add to it. To this day, I am either reading books, researching books, buying books, adding books to my “To Be Read” list, and now, writing books!
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
My journey as a writer began in Elementary school. I was involved in UIL creative writing, ready writing, and spelling, which I loved! They all opened my mind to a whole new world. English was, and always has been, my favorite subject in school and my teachers were a huge influence. I have gravitated towards writing poetic narratives, always finding it easier for me to express myself, and that’s why my book was written in the same format. Suffice to say writing has always been a big part of my life.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
Even though I have written many stories for school assignments and projects, I don’t really count those. My first story was written last year, my children’s book “ The Fancy Flamingo.” It was self-published in 2023 and currently available for orders on my website thefancyflamingobook.com.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
“The Fancy Flamingo” is about a flamingo who enjoys being different from her friends and is encouraged to embrace who she is by learning that it’s okay to stand out and be herself! It’s a fun and heartwarming tale that really touches on individuality and uniqueness.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
I literally just started putting pen to paper and the story just poured out of me. I had an idea in mind, knew I wanted the story to rhyme, and knew what I wanted my message to be. From there, the character was created based on things, colors, and places that I love, with touches of my daughter in there too.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
Don’t be afraid to stand out! Being true to yourself is more important than blending in and following the crowd. And don’t forget it’s just as important to love others in all their uniqueness as well.