Q: First tell us something about yourself ?
I pursued my master’s degree in the field of social work as I am passionate about advocacy. I have a strong passion to inspire and empower others, especially the younger generation. As an inspired author, I plan to write books that will uplift others and shine light on many situations.
Q: How and when your journey started as a writer?
I’ve always been passionate about writing. A Facebook memory actually popped up not too long ago, which I shared a few years ago that I will write a children’s book and here I am. There is power in stating affirmations and manifesting!
It was always a thought, however, one day I sat at the desk at my old job and started writing. I googled an illustrator that I did not know and shared my vision. The rest was history.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I actually started writing something before writing my children’s book, however, that is not published. Will I publish it? I am not sure. I am a NaturaliSTAR! is my first published book. Other projects are in the works.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
I am a NaturaliSTAR! was written with purpose, love, and meaning. My story encouraged me to write the book. As a young girl I didn’t like my natural hair. My big and puffy hair wouldn’t stay in place, therefore, I looked toward relaxers, and flat irons to get the job done. All of that basically did my hair more damage than anything. Years later, I wanted my natural hair back and there is a HUGE journey after all the damage is done.
I’ve learned that with self-love and self-acceptance, young girls can embrace and love their natural hair. I created a book like I am NaturaliSTAR! so young black QUEENS can see characters that look and have hair like them. I wanted to create something empowering in the hopes that each girl that reads my book feels the beauty of natural hair and empowered to rock their own with pride and pure bliss.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
I feel like children imitate adults. If they see an adult food shopping, they then want to grab a cart to shop too. I feel like adults must choose wisely what they want kids to imitate.
I feel like we can communicate so much to kids through literature. For example, if more kids see the that natural hair is being embraced in literature, then they may want to embrace their natural hair too.
I also feel like kids are learning at a young age and it is up to adults to teach them. I want to teach and empower kids in the hopes that they take the takeaways and lessons along with them in the future.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
Easy. There aren’t enough children’s books with black characters. There are more today than in the past, but there can never be enough. It was an observation that needed attention.
Q: Do you want to give any message for your readers?
You may find I am a NaturaliSTAR! at thebookpatch.com
I want you to enjoy this rhythmic book that is full of images of vibrant colors. You will learn how to give your beautiful hair the proper maintenance with care and love. Love your natural hair whether it falls curly, coily, or as a beautiful puff because no matter the hair type you are enough. Your natural hair is beautiful. You are beautiful. You are a natural QUEEN today, tomorrow, and always!