Q: First, tell us something about yourself.
I am from Chesapeake, Virginia. I am an Air Force veteran, Finance Manger, Researcher and mother.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
My journey as a writer started when my son was in second grade. He was tasked to write short stories for his English class. cAfter the second short story we wrote, I realized we were pretty good at story telling, so I decided to write a book.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I started writing my first short story in 2016 during my last deployment In the Air Force. Yes, the story is now published.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
“Allison You Are Beautiful” is about a happy young girl who is enjoying her life with her family and friends, then suddenly at school, she starts to get teased for the way she looks. This starts to make Allison really sad. She starts to question the way she looks and why can’t she look normal like all the other kids. She starts to develop low self esteem and not love the way that she looks anymore. Her mother is such a pivotal figure in this book, and she begins to pour into her daughter and affirm to her to let her know that she is perfect just the way she is.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
This story came to mind after not seeing many books on self esteem and loving yourself. I believe if we can start building our children’s self esteem while they are young, we can raise confident children into confident healthy adults.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
This book is a book that will inspire, motivate and develop young reader’s self esteem after being bullied or teased. I believe this book will inspire young readers to embrace themselves for who they are.