Q: First tell us something about yourself?
C. James Sweeney is a family man that is always on the go. Married with four beautiful kids, he works full time managing a retail store, is finishing his degree in Multimedia Design and Development, and manages to find time in between to write and create. He is new to the publishing world and looking forward to a exciting journey.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
I have been making up stories since I was able to speak. I loved writing stories all through school. Any time we got a writing assignment, I was one of the few excited for it. I took creative writing classes, journalism, yearbook, etc. It it allowed me to write and create, I wanted to do it.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I remember being in the second or third grade, writing and drawing a picture book about Snoopy the Dog. It was close to 20 pages, I drew and colored it on construction paper, stapled it together, and it was passed around the class before it was confiscated by my teacher. Apparently making a book about Snoopy was not “appropriate use of my time” and “distracting other students”
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
Sadie Sasquatch Goes to School is just the first book, introducing us to Sadie. A second book, “Sadie Sasquatch Has Big Feet” has been written and is in the early illustration phase right now. And a third book is currently in the early manuscript phase. I’ve got a lot of plans for Sadie and her Sasquatch pops, and I think the children readers are going to really love them.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
My wife has been asking me to write her a children’s book since we first met, nearly a decade ago, and I found the perfect inspiration in our own cute little monster. I have a series of stories planned out for Sadie Sasquatch and can’t wait to take a world of little readers on the journey with us.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
My four year old daughter, Saylor, is the youngest of our four children. She is also the most rambunctious! Starting pre-k, our wild child had some trouble adjusting her behavior to fit the classroom. Everything Sadie Sasquatch does in the book was based off our real life little Sasquatch.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
Embrace what makes you unique, embrace your weird, find humor in everything, and be kind to everyone.