Every child has a dream in childhood of what they want to become and their choices change daily and that’s the beauty of childhood.The Story is about a super-cute, confident, sometimes sassy little girl Valarie who has big dreams, every day she is excited to go to school and there are lots of questions in her mind. What’s special about her, like other little girls, is her excitement for all the world holds for her. Maths is her favorite subject so she always dreamed of what she would be when she grew up, maybe an engineer, accountant, or teacher.Join Valarie and her daily adventures and how she discovers her career and personal passion each day in school.
Illustrations are very amazing and vibrant that makes this book more beautiful and eye-catching. I’m sure after reading this story every little girl understands that this world is full of opportunity and you can achieve your dreams.
I recommend this book to all children so that they can understand their preferences because this world is full of options and they have plenty of time to decide.
grab your copy from author’s
website: littlevalariebigworld.com