Josephine and the Quarantine By Candace Echols
Illustrated By Dare Harcourt
God created a special bond between dogs and humans, and this book beautifully explains the relationship between them. I love the concept of this book that tells us that dogs are an amazing gift that God placed in this world for us so we can feel god’s love when we cuddle or play with them.
The story is about a sweet girl named Josephine, she needs only a dog as her friend, but her mom always says no. She tried to convince her mom to adopt a puppy, but her mom isn’t interested. She waited so long for a Puppy, and a virus spread over the world, and everyone feels lonely like her. Then her mom discovers some new and amazing things about the puppies that changed her heart, and she is ready to adopt a dog for Josephine.
The story is narrated beautifully, and the text is simple and easy to understand. Illustrations are the main highlight of this book, some pages are black and white, and some are vibrant and colorful that makes this book more eye-catching.
This book is a cute and sweet read for children with a wonderful message that dogs are a wonderful friend and deserves our love and care too.
Book is available on the www.candaceechols.com