Introducing Little Miss Super-Fro! by Alona Joseph
Sometimes children experience pressure and anxiety in everyday life, and it can be difficult for them to understand how to deal with it and communicate their worries to their parents. It can leave children feeling overwhelmed by stress, triggering a range of emotions that can affect their overall well-being regardless of age.
This beautiful story follows Raegan, a cute little girl who takes pride in her Afro puffs, believing that they reflect her unique identity. She pats them to feel confident and seek support when needed. One day, Raegan gets anxious after receiving an unexpected grade on her history test. Read the book to learn how Raegan deals with stress during school with the help of her Afro puffs, prayers, and deep breathing techniques. Finally, after sharing her feelings with her parents, she realizes that their love and acceptance can make all the worry bugs go away!
As parents, we should support our children in tough times and let them know that they are not alone. With extra love, support, and time, we can help them heal and rebuild their self-esteem.
Perfect for ages 7 and up and can be found on Amazon.