I Prayed, God answered. By Poulyana Pazand-Srouji
I Prayed, God answered is a heartfelt story of a mother and her adopted son. During a walk in the park, a conversation takes place between Mommy P and Little Noah: “Mommy, how did I come home?”
Then Mommy P told Noah that I prayed for you for years. One day, God answered my prayers and that was the best day of my life when I took you in my arms. This book shows how Mommy P’s life changed with the arrival of Little Noah.
From the first page, my eyes moistened up and I love each word written in this book because it truly portrays the feelings and emotions of a mother.
This book has beautiful illustrations and teaches children to believe in God. This story is meant to help parents who want to start a family or are waiting to bring a new baby home.
This book is available on Amazon.
Author’s website: www.poulyana.com