Acts of Kindness by Melissa Cenatiempo
“A small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s day.”
We often underestimate the effect of kindness, a listening ear, or even just a smile can make a big difference on those who need it.
Acts of Kindness is a heartfelt book for young readers with a wonderful thought that if we could help just one person, and that one person helped someone else, then the cycle of help could go on forever.
The story begins with Mr. Dale, who is eating his meal alone, he’s feeling low after his wife’s demise, but when a stranger asks to join him, he feels better after talking with him. After that, Mr. Dale offers his umbrella to a mother and child who are out in the rain, and then that mother, in turn, offers to buy a meal for a hungry woman, who was searching through a garbage can looking for bottles to change for coins, and that woman helped another boy, and the cycle of kindness goes on and on.
Illustrations are beautiful in this book and feature characters of all ages from diverse backgrounds that inspire us to be kind and empathetic towards strangers. This picture book has the power to make a change in the thought process of children and encourages them to make this world a beautiful place to live.
Perfect for all ages.
Grab your copy from Amazon.