Young Detective is a collection of 12 mystery stories that allow every reader to become a detective.
At the end of each story, there is a question for the readers, and they have to solve the mystery by finding all the details hidden in the story.
I just loved the way Sumita told every story that created a mystery and suspense throughout and made the reader curious about who is the real culprit. These clever story riddles improve kids’ creative thinking by painting a picture that’s easy to visualize to help work out the answer.
A mystery read is always a hit with young kids, so parents, get ready to solve the mystery of these stories with your own young detectives. It helps your little detectives sharpen their investigating skills with these mysterious stories.
This intellectually designed book is not only a must-have for your library but also perfectly develops logical, analytical, and reasoning skills among children.
Perfect for 9+
Grab your copy from Amazon.