Q: First tell us something about yourself?
Hi. I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, teacher and so much more. Oh and I almost forgot an author. It is hard for me to call myself that.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
We completed our family through adoption. The journey was rough but well worth it. I had a story to tell and I wanted my daughter to feel how much everyone loves her. I want my book to help others understand adoption and see the beauty behind it.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
The book was a gift to my daughter. I wasn’t even thinking about publishing it. I wanted her to know how loved she is by everyone in our family. It sort of happened by accident. If I thought about it to much, I wouldn’t have sent it to a publishing company.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
Raya is an adorable, loving little girl with a story to share. She would like to introduce you to her family. Raya was adopted at birth, but that was just the beginning of her adventures. Learn all about the people that loved her the second she came into this world. Raya is full of life and excited to see where her journey takes her.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
My books are inspired by my daughter. I don’t think I would have written them if she wasn’t my inspiration.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
The characters of my books are inspired by my daughter.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
Don’t give up. It took me 4 years to complete my first book. I am proud of myself for never giving up. I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I hold my book in my hands.