The Adventures of Denim: Denim Goes to School by Lisa Dicicco Cognato
“The Adventures of Denim: Denim Goes to School” is a captivating story narrated through the eyes of Denim, a dedicated service dog trained to provide unwavering support to its human companions while adhering to rules. In this heartwarming tale, Denim accompanies Lisa, a teacher, on a typical school day, immersing the reader in a series of delightful encounters with children in various classes.
The book not only provides insight into the daily life of a service dog but also highlights the invaluable support and companionship they offer to their human counterparts. Throughout the journey, the story deftly explores compelling themes such as friendship, empathy, and the remarkable abilities of service animals, leaving a lasting impression on readers of all ages.
The Adventures of Denim not only entertains and educates but also serves as a reminder of the remarkable impact these devoted animals have on the lives of those they assist. I eagerly anticipate more adventures from the day in the life of Denim and encourage readers to embark on this heartwarming journey. For anyone who has ever been touched by the unwavering loyalty and compassion of a service dog, “The Adventures of Denim: Denim Goes to School” is a must-read.
Perfect for 3+
Grab your copy from Amazon.