Q: First tell us something about yourself.
Shelby Sunshine: Hello, my name is Shelby Sunshine, I’m an award nominated author of a children’s book series, “The Adventures of Shelby Sunshine” that I write with my dad, and my mom edits. It’s our family business.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
Shelby Sunshine: Watching my dad, he’s a multi-award winning best-selling author(S.L Jackson). And I use to watch him write, so I told him I wanted to write books too. We wrote our first book of our series in May of 2021 and released it in June 2021, I was five years old at that time.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
Shelby Sunshine: Yes, all my books are published. “Bestest Family Vacation”, “Kindergarten, For Reals” and “Next Stop, First Grade”. Those are the books that we’ve released so far.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
Shelby Sunshine: All my books are based on my life. I talk about things that are really going on with me. My parents always tell me to enjoy being a kid, so I write about it so other kids can relate.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
Shelby Sunshine:
I knew I could write great stories because of my dad- he’s a big part of my life! Most of my ideas come from real life experiences. So it’s really easy to bring the characters to life in my books. My family and friends help me write stories, just from being a part of my world.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
Shelby Sunshine: Thank you for having me, I just launched my website, www.everythingshelby.com You can go and purchase my merch and all my books.