Q: First tell us something about yourself.
I am a certified positive parenting coach and passionate advocate for creating a better world through parenting, embedding my experiences into the magical tales I write. A linguist and quality expert, my personal tale took a transformative turn when I became a mother. My journey with positive parenting led me to sharing valuable lessons through engaging stories.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
I wrote my first story 8 years ago, when my first son was born, on his first birthday my first book was published. However, I decided to dive into the children’s books world only last year, in 2023.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
My first story came in January 2016, and is indeed published in a book with short stories about motherhood.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
My books are not only magical adventures or heartwarming tales, but they all have the positive parenting methods intertwined in them. Gently guiding and teaching both parents and children of values, emotions and concepts like friendship. My second book, for example, is a reassuring loving tale written specially to support children that go through separation anxiety. Each book has a special message supporting readers through relatable challenges and promoting self growth and understanding. At the end most have also notes to the parents, explaining some challenging stages in a child’s development that relate to the story.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader? Is there any specific reason?
I believe that our children are the ones who have the power to make the world more beautiful and kind, when they are shown kindness and empathy and respect. So this is what I do with my stories – share core lessons in the most effective way for a child to learn – through illustrated stories.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
All of my inspiration comes from my two boys, situations we have had, or questions they have asked me. And by trying to explain to them concepts, the stories took shape in my mind.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
Never forget your inner child, it can often guide you and remind you of the joy in the little things.