Q: First tell us something about yourself ?
Having grown up in Europe and the USA and currently living in New Zealand on a horse farm. Studied science and languages and have always written to finance my studies. Now I am writing fulltime as I realised this was my passion all along. Horses and dogs and the ocean play a big role in my life ( and in my books) and I love travelling.
Q: How and when your journey started as a writer?
I have always been a story teller. As a child, spooking my friends with ghastly ghost stories while having sleep overs in a friends stable. As a student, driving my teachers crazy when I chose to write about some non existing made up subject that did not exist yet, but definitely should and mostly is now. As a Mum, telling my daughter bedtime stories, so she would fall asleep soundly and would have wonderful dreams . writing and reading has always been a big part of my life.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I think I wrote my first story when I was 8 about my first foal and yes it was published in some unknown school magazine. During high school years and early studies I also worked in journalism which I loved and taught me discipline in writing.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
Stubs the Stubborn Christmas Tree is a series of 12 books. The currently published volume has combined 3 of the christmas stories . Stubs is a walking, talking christmas tree who has magical abilities and can talk to one human family- The Tannenbaums. Mum Amelia and her 3 children , Tim,Tom and Sadie and the 3 dogs Pebbles, Simba and Toto. They accept Stubs as a member of their family and together they have many magical adventures on earth and in heaven. Stubs is very stubborn, feisty and gets bored easily but has the biggest heart and is fiercely protective of his family. He joins the children going to school and to the races, they save a forest and Louise the hippo in the desert. Magical characters are included along the way and become members of the family as well. Like Pixie, who loses in the magical cloud game in heaven ( like the musical chair game) and has to come to earth into a newborn animal’s body. Stubs teaches him everything about being a bunny but as the moment comes, Pixie sneezes and he ends up being born as a foal.
The volumes are put together as the christmas stories, the travel adventures and the at home stories.
The books are heartwarming and funny and for the whole family really. It is about finding friends and family in the most unlikely of places.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? Is there any specific reason?
I did not really choose to write for kids. The books really chose me. I started telling stories for my children all of my life and I love telling them. I love joy and smiles on kids faces and on adult faces as well.
I have written some romcom novels as well
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
One Christmas we brought home a Christmas tree from the Christmas tree farm and had nothing but troubles getting this impossible feisty tree into the house. I laughed and said He really does not want to be here doesn’t he? And so stubs the stubborn Christmas tree was born. I looked at this impossible, stubborn Christmas tree who absolutely did not want to come into the house or fit into the corner and laughed. And the next day I wrote the first chapter Stubs the stubborn Christmas tree finds his family!
About the characters ; whilst my family does not want to be written about, the three dogs featured in the stories: Pebbles. the newfoundland. Simba the border collie/ hunterway and toto the pomeranian do exist and are a very happy and active part of our life. The drawings in the story are our house and our dogs.even the horses are featured, especially Pixie.
Once a story comes into my mind, it actually pops up fully done with all characters and story lines. I just always have to find the time to put it into words. But in my mind all my characters are always there from the very first second and everything runs around in my brain like a movie roll.Story lines with Stubs are actually limitless..
Q: Do you want to give any message for your readers?
Having moments of joy, sharing stories, laughing together is really one of the most important things. Also, friends and family can be found in the most unlikely of places and even a tree can be family too.
Don’t forget there is still magic in every heart. Kindness and courage and being there for each other matters more than ever.