- First tell us something about yourself?
I love anything outdoors! Hiking, biking, boating, traveling, swimming, etc and I love to take my two young children and husband along with me to do these activities. I could play outside all day long, I love it! I also love to bake and cook!
2. How and when did your journey start as a writer?
My love for writing started when I was in 4th grade writing short stories for assignments. I loved coming up with characters and a story that would go just the way that I wanted it to. I continued this love for writing through the rest of my school years and into college. Even after college I found myself often writing stories down because I love to write. I have also always been into keeping a journal and writing in it often.
3. When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I wrote my very first story in the 4th grade, not published, however. We were given the assignment to write a short story about anything that we wanted, and I remember putting in a lot of work writing a story about beluga whales that I still have to this day.
4. Tell us something more about your books?
The first book “Spark the Happy Shark” is the first book in our quirky animal series. This series will be about different animals who hold unusual and quirky qualities compared to other animals of the same species. Spark is about a shark who is kind and happy regardless of being part of a species that is mean and grumpy. Really wanting kids to be able to connect with the animal characters and learn the lesson that it is okay to not have the same qualities as someone else.
5. Why do you choose kids as your reader? Is there any specific reason?
Since having two young kids of my own I have fallen in love with children’s books and writing them. I love how their eyes and spirits light up when you read them their favorite story, or they get to learn more about their favorite animal or place. The excitement my kids get over a new book or a great story was something that I wanted to be a part of in the reading world as I know there are other kids out there that get very excited and happy over books. I also love that kids’ books can come alive with illustrations and it can even be fun as an adult to check out the fun pictures!
6. How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
“Spark the Happy Shark” came to me as the first book because both of my kids love sharks! We took them to an aquarium and they both loved the sharks the most and talk about them often. The story came to my mind because I love teaching my kids that it is okay to have your own unique qualities and to be yourself regardless of what others think that you should be. So, combining this lesson and animals was a passion of mine to start this series. I am very excited about the other books that are in the works for this series!
7. Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
I am just so excited for you to enjoy my books with your children. For me I know that reading time can be such a special bonding time for a child and their parent and I can’t wait to be a part of that special experience. I hope that you will be able to connect with Spark the Happy Shark as you read his story about truly being himself. Happy reading and stay tuned for more quirky animal stories coming!