Q: First tell us something about yourself?
My name is Courtney North. I am first and foremost a mother. I am the co-founder of Don’t Fit In, which is a community and brand that my 7 year old son and I started to spread a message of self-love and now I am a proud children’s author.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
I have always enjoyed writing and being creative. Once I had my son and his creative mind to bounce ideas off of I began to write down more and more and within the last two years decided to move forward with my first children’s book.
Q: When did you write your first story?Is it published or not?
My first children’s book; Beenz and Peace Find Their Happy Place was written throughout 2020 and published July 2021.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
My book is called “Beenz and Peace Find Their Happy Place” and is available on Amazon. This is a super cute story about an Alien and his pet Peace. Beenz feels like he doesn’t belong on their planet and travels the solar system trying to find out where he belongs only to realize he was where he was supposed to be all along and he learned to love and accept his differences. This book promotes self-love, self-acceptance, happiness and being different. You will fall in love with these two characters.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? Is there any specific reason?
Being a mother is the core of who I am. When I brought my son, Sawyer, into the world, I realized I had a responsibility to pass on to him everything I had learned about living my best life, while also nurturing his creativity and self-expression. Everything came full circle, when, at just six years-old, Sawyer and I came up with an idea to help other kids feel comfortable in their own skin. And our brand Don’t Fit In was born! I have always been able to see the full potential of our youth and there would be no better than to write a children’s book that is not only fun but meaningful.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
I originally wanted to convey the message of loving who you really are and accepting your differences as well as accepting others differences. My son and I share a love for space and aliens, it’s something we talk about often. When we began chatting about space one night, it clicked that, that is what my story needs to be based off of. I have had the idea of my main character Beenz for a quite a while but when he became an Alien it was PERFECT!
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
Our mission at Don’t Fit In is to inspire children to continually grow and embrace their true authentic selves. Ultimately creating a world where everyone belongs. I felt strongly about sharing this message after realizing children were struggling in isolation, mental health disorders were on the rise, and the constant pressure with social media. Kids really have to grow up quickly nowadays and unfortunately do not have the time to connect with their authentic being. Teaching children from a young age to not only love and accept themselves but also accepting others as they are will create a generation of compassionate, loving and understanding people. Remember to always be your most happy, true and authentic self.
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