Giuseppe Takes Us to Capri by Kelsey Clark
Before you plan your family’s next holiday destination, get some help from our travel professional, your friendly animal tour guide Giuseppe Gatto(cat).
Giuseppe and his best friends take children on an unforgettable journey in and around Capri island that goes beyond fun and adventure!
In the captivating book, ‘Giuseppe Takes Us to Capri,’ your child will dive into Capri’s top attractions, from the magical Blue Grotto to the iconic Faraglioni Rocks, enchanting landscapes, and mesmerizing blue water through an exciting adventure story. And that’s not all—your child can also immerse themselves in yummy and delicious local cuisines (like caprese (kah-PRAY-say) salad), and so much more.
Get ready to experience the magic and warmth of Capri with the eyes of Giuseppe, who inspires children to travel and shows them the joy of traveling and exploring new places.
Perfect for 3+
Grab your copy from Amazon.