Q: First tell us something about yourself?
I am a happy mom of two little kids. I enjoy reading storybooks and cookbooks.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
As a child I enjoyed creative writing which was something I did a lot with my mom. As an adult, before having children of my own, I allowed life to get in the way of my dreams. I built a career in healthcare and my husband and I put off having children. We worried about “getting our lives on the right track.”
At 35 we were expecting our son and I started walking daily. Creative ideas started popping into my mind which I jotted down in the notes section of my phone. After my son was born every time my good friend or mom came for a visit they always brought a new picture book for us. Before long I was reading 20 or more books to my baby every day. We all enjoyed it immensely. This motivated me to turn my “notes” in my phone into stories. Within a short time I had so many stories written. Unfortunately my maternity leave was over all too soon and I had to return to work. My stories sat on my computer for the next year. Another year went by and then our daughter Autumn was born. Between feedings and sleepless nights I started to work on my stories again. After polishing a few I found Tellwell Talent publishing and the rest is history
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
My first story was written in 2019. It is not published. Not all of my stories are meant for publishing. Some of the process is just about getting the creative ideas out and not losing them or the idea. Sometimes I come back months later and turn them into something different. That’s how “Be Wild”happened.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
Most of my books are about my own childhood stories about myself or my family. I write about my life or what I know then turn those ideas into short story books.
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
Reading books and telling stories is our favourite time of day. I enjoy children’s stories so much that right now writing for children is my focus. Having children of my own motivated me to realize what is really important in life and that is storytelling.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
The character Teresa, in “Be Wild” is based on my own childhood stories. Teresa is my middle name so I thought that was a good name for the main character. Over the years my nephews have always enjoyed hearing family stories. They laughed so much learning how wild I was as a child. I thought there must be other kids who are, or were just as wild as I was and would like to hear a story about being wild and active. Now I’m bringing those stories to life.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
Be wild. Be silly. Be free. Be kind.