Rosie Rench and the Drip-Drop Delight by Alex and Kayleigh Barber
Beat the heat with this splashing adventure book that takes you to Soak City, Where “Plumbing is cool, Fixing Leaks is the rule.” Girls, remember, plumbing is a splashing adventure waiting to be explored!
Join Rosie Rench, a spirited girl who loves water and delights in playful splashes. When Rosie encounters a leaky tap in Soak City on a rainy day, she crosses paths with Zara, a local plumber. Together, they embark on an exciting adventure to tackle plumbing challenges and find inventive solutions.
Discover how Rosie Rench becomes the newest member of the plunge pals, solving the plumbing puzzles and inspiring others to join her in this huge adventure.
Through this exhilarating tale, the book encourages young girls to consider unconventional career paths in plumbing and demonstrates the gratification and joy that can come from mastering a trade. Rosie Rench and the Drip-Drop Delight is a delightful and inspiring read that showcases the excitement and rewards of venturing into nontraditional careers.
Perfect for 5+
Grab your copy from Amazon.