Monkey-Boy: The Adventures of a boy with ADHD by Mrs. Rachele Sweetser
Monkey-Boy is an excellent book that recognizes the struggles of children who have ADHD. It is normal for kids to be restless, over-energetic, or a little impulsive sometimes, and this exceptional book provides invaluable insights on how to transform your mistakes into opportunities for growth and self-improvement.
The story highlights the daily adventures of a boy, Lolo living with ADHD and the challenges he faces at school. With wisdom from his backpack Monkey, Lolo learns to confidently navigate through difficult situations and make thoughtful decisions that enable him to thrive and succeed in his interactions with his classmates.
This book concentrates on how kids who are struggling with ADHD can use their energy in the right direction so they will be more focused and productive. The illustrations help children to understand the story by the pictures themselves. This book is a way for every parent to tell their children not to be afraid to take risks and make mistakes – it’s the best way to learn and achieve success!
Perfect for 3+
Grab your copy from Amazon.