Q: First tell us something about yourself ?
My name is Kimberly Daley, I am a self-published and first-time author of a children’s book titled MEATLOAF BEATLOAF. I am the mother of one child, a son.) I am married to my high school sweetheart and have been together for 36 years. I absolutely love traveling with my husband by RV and we hit the road exploring the USA whenever we get the chance. My dream is to RV full-time, writing stories, and creating beautiful children’s books with my niece (illustrator) Courtney Soden.
Q: How and when your journey started as a writer?
Storytelling for me began at a very early age, but the actual writing aspect didn’t start until I was a little older, in my teens. As a young girl l loved reading silly books like those from Dr. Suess, his fun language and sense of humor really made me eager to read more.I was also drawn to more adventurous stories like Peter Pan, Adventures of Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn as well as Pippi Longstocking. My siblings and I spent countless hours reenacting the exciting stories we had read, in our back yard or the nearby woodland.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I wrote and self-published my first book MEATLOAF BEATLOAF after having my son Tommy, the “picky eater” character in the story.Reading with him, sharing laughter, excitement, and wonderment convinced me to write down all the wonderful stories I had carried around in my head,allowing me to share the stories with him. Our second book and soon to be released RAISE YOUR VOICE FOR COURTNEY! is based on my niece Courtney and I being quiet, shy, and insecure little girls, until an unexpected friend shows us the true voice and courage we hold inside!
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
Our books are a real family affair! My niece Courtney Soden and I work together bouncing ideas off each other, sprinkling in ideas and details until we come up with the perfect recipe!I start by writing the story and then working with my niece Courtney, she brings the characters and story to life with her beautiful, vibrant artwork!
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
I enjoy writing stories for children because children are like little sponges. They have not yet been hardened by the world around us and are open to possibilities, adventure, and learning…as long as it’s fun!I want to encourage children to be themselves, to speak up so that the world will know the beautiful, smart, imaginative person they are inside.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
Our stories usually begin from an idea that pops into my head, either from observing situations happening around me or memories from the past.The characteristics and personalities are based on the likeness of family members, friends, strangers and even observing animals in their natural habitat.
Q: Do you want to give any message for your readers?
Yes! The message that I would like to share with my readers is …To NEVER give up! To always be yourself and be proud of the person you are! We are all a work in progress and learn through making mistakes, don’t ever feel you have to be perfect, just be happy being PERFECTLY YOU! We are each unique and special in our own way, which is exactly the way it should be, if we were all the same it would be a very BORING world!