KidlioMag November Edition 2022
I want to say “Thank you” to all as you made KidlioMag Possible and made my journey easy and memorable.
I want to say “Thank you” to all as you made KidlioMag Possible and made my journey easy and memorable.
Hurray! October is here, The month full of festivals! As this festival season brings a lot of festivities to celebrate around the world.
Self-esteem, which means feeling good about yourself and embracing yourself. With self-esteem, you believe in yourself, you know that you can do anything if you put your mind to it, and even when...
Books help children connect to the world and help them understand the world around them. Books also help children understand different perspectives while also learning about different people,...
Yay! Summer is here! It is the most fun season for kids because we can spend all day having fun visiting places like beaches, Water parks, and zoos. There are many good things about summer, and my...
As we all know, many rare animal species are extinct, and many aquatic animals suffer due to plastic and garbage in the oceans. Wildlife species and animals suffer when they get stuck in plastic...
In this edition, we incorporated books, articles, summer games and activities that promote love, peace, diversity, and inclusion. I hope you all will like it, and please share your feedback at...