Q: First tell us something about yourself.
Lamont Curtis Bracy, better known as Renzo or LB, is an American author, songwriter, record executive, entrepreneur, and director. In 2013, Lamont wrote and directed the stage play, Let Love In, a theatrical production which brought critical acclaim from beat writers globally. Lamont Bracy is credited for many literary and musical compositions under the pseudonym Renzo. In addition to contributing to an array of entertainment platforms, His long-awaited debut novel, “The Insignificant, Significant”, was released in August 2022. Lamont Curtis Bracy was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, on May 24, 1975, the son of Emily D. Bracy, and George T. Bracy Jr., a US Army supply sergeant.Recognized as one of the nation’s top authors on children psychology and emotional behavior, Lamont has coached and trained hundreds of children in the classroom, recreational sports, and as a mentor through nonprofit organizations. Lamont’s ability to reach the minds of young children is built on creating a relationship of trust. Lamont is the founder of ProMediaBank, and serves as an advocate for Women’s rights, Immigration reform, and an avid supporter of the arts. Lamont advice can be found in outlets such as: HuffPost, MarketWatch, and Vents Magazine.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
My journey as a Children’s Book author actually began in 2021 in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic. With a lot of time on my hands, I drove into my passion of writing. “Chantel’s First Day of Pre-K” released on May 24 is actually the third of a series. Besides the books being based on my grandchildren, I have always had a passion for children’s literature. My magic moment came in the third grade when I was introduced to a book titled “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” by the famed author Judy Blume.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
Ironically, I wrote my first story nearly 20-years ago. I gathered the courage to enter the story, “Alabama Reign” in a literary contest in 2020. Although “Alabama Reign” didn’t place, I received the respect and confidence I needed to continue on my journey as a writer.
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
Two new books that equip young toddlers with confidence and candor as they embark on their first school experience written by famed author Lamont “Renzo” Bracy. While entering school can be an intimidating task, the pains and anxiety of the first day of school can be normalized by being prepared. In the two books “Oranges, Apples, and Math” and “Chanel’s First Day of Pre-K”, author Lamont Renzo Bracy uses real life examples of his granddaughters to paint an enjoyable experience through creating a fun-loving learning experience.
Through the personal experience of his two granddaughters, Lamont Renzo Bracy beautifully illustrates a warm tale of the intimidating experience of attending school for the first time. Although many have a faint memory of the experience, we can all relate. The first time being separated from the nurturing care of your parents and thrust into the world of classmates, teachers, and authority can be scary.
Lamont’s second book, “Oranges, Apples, and Math” continues the journey with his granddaughters learning as they pick fresh fruit. Through their odyssey, the girls must learn to deal with adversity, and decision making. As they pick the fruit, the girls come to the realization that they may have picked more than they can carry. The solution: the girls use addition and subtraction to level the load and make their payoff worth the trip.
“Oranges, Apples, and Math” and “Chanel’s First Day of Pre-K” are the perfect books for the parents of young children about to enter the education realm. To a young toddler, the thought of school comes with reservation and anxiety. Through Lamont Renzo Bracy’s narrative educational stories, possibilities are endless.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
The Characters of both books are actually my grandchildren (Chanel and Ellianna). Throughout my writing, I love to use characters who are near and dear to draw inspiration and guidance. The characters are a real-life reenactment of the personalities and traits of my grandchildren.
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
I would like to leave my readers with a vision of hope. Life is what you make it, and I believe imagination is the gateway of hope based on a belief you can do anything through hard work, determination, consistency, and prayer.