Category: Book Review

September 7, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments


Young Detective’ is a collection of a dozen mystery stories. At the end of each story there is a question for the readers. The answer to this question solves the mystery. Every child is a detective since they always ask the 5 W’s (when, what, who, why, where). The 5 W’s are the basic questions of a detective. These questions develop the curiosity of a child which in turn helps them to acquire knowledge. It is the job of the parents and teachers to arouse this curiosity for learning to take place. The author Sumita Bose has written the stories and many more in this book for intellectual stimulation.

September 6, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments


Somewhere in the bosque, in the open spaces near the Rio Grande, lives a covey of quail . . .

The flamboyant Federico loves the spotlight, and frequently regales the covey with his exaggerated tales of daring. In this episode, Federico captures the attention of his audience with an inflated story of his bravery on the Rio Grande. Without warning, he is interrupted by the announcement of ripe hackberries. Left without an audience, Federico stomps off and accidentally stumbles onto something that might recapture his friends’ attention—well maybe. What he finds might teach him that truth can be incredible on its own. He just needs to convince his friends he’s not exaggerating.

September 3, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Pawsatively Different: Meeting New Friends by Adam Snider

Pawsatively Different is a children’s book about a group of canine friends playing at the park. When they see another dog playing alone, they take it upon themselves to invite the other dog so they don’t feel left out and alone. This book is about inclusion and emphasizes that even though people may be different and look differently, we need to make sure to inclde them so they don’t feel isolated. Everyone deserves a chance to have friends and to be accepted for who they are, despite their differences.

September 2, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Mojo Bro Likes to Help by Jessica Laurianne Rowlands

Sweet Mojo Bro loves to help, but he gets into a lot of trouble doing it. He keeps on trying though, and he is loved for it. Do you know a doggie like Mojo Bro?

September 1, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Nella’s Kindness Kicks by NelliRose Farella

Why are Nella’s Kindness Kicks sticking to the ground? Help her figure out how to get them unstuck!

As you take a trip to school with Nella, you’ll meet Miss J, Tino, Lou, Amara, and Marcus! You’ll learn how Nella makes mistakes, but with the help of Miss J and her classmates, she learns how to make things better through kindness and understanding!

August 29, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

GOD IS MY FRIEND by Daija Rivers

“GOD IS MY FRIEND” is a biblical book full of positive affirmations and different emotional expressions. Young boys will be able to relate and place themselves in the character’s place as they read. This book will help boys build self-confidence and discover positive Christian alternatives to adopt amidst different emotions.

My goal for this book is to help young boys that’s experiencing depression and low self-esteem to overcome. Young boys seeing themselves as Christ sees them is the ultimate goal. I hope this book will help them understand that God cares and God is their friend.

August 29, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Queen of Dominoes by Justine A P Louis, Edwina K Archer

Melody is one of the youngest players in the annual Domino Tournament in the Caribbean. She has been well trained by her grandfather, who is an expert in dominoes. To win the tournament, she will have to compete against players who are much older than her. Can she use her grandfather’s wisdom to defeat the two-time champion and become the “Queen of Dominoes?”

In this book, readers will learn about dominoes, a beloved game in the Caribbean, while following the exciting story of the ambitious little Melody.

August 26, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

How Tall Will I Be? by Shanequa Waison-Rattray

Amir is the smallest in his family. He just wants to be able to do what everyone else does, but he is too small. He thinks of all the things he can do when he is tall. For now, though, he learns an important lesson: that everything happens with time. This story will teach readers to appreciate who they are the way they are.

August 26, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Anyone Can Be a Superhero by Nicki Streeter

Colt and Papa are the very best of friends. Their bond is unique and one of a kind. Papa always asks, “In a world where you can be anything, what would you be?” Colt responds, “I want to be it all!” Colt is a fearless little boy who loves to imagine a world that is filled with excitement and thrills. A simple conversation between the two of them leads Colt on an adventurous tale. His mind is filled with all the magical possibilities and dreams, because in a world where you can be anything, he wants to be it all…and have fun!

August 25, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Kaygan’s Adventures: Save Silly Millie! by Darcele Cole-Robinson

In this story we get a glimpse of a child who encounters the reality of death. My granddaughter lost her dog, Millie, who was her best friend. I wanted to help her heal by writing this story about her little friend, and to let her know how much Nana Darcele loves her.

As you read this book with your child, grandchild, or student, remember that this story might bring back memories for them. Feel free to talk about their memories, how they hurt, how they handled this hurt, and how friends are there to support each other during times like these.

Some children, when facing a difficult emotion or a trauma, will ask questions and wonder aloud about the characters in this book. Other children are content to just listen and take it all in.