How BRIGHT is your LIGHT, and how often do you LET IT SHINE?
This inspiring book, written in soothing rhyme, will empower children to always shine bright—regardless of their circumstances. Emphasizing the importance of standing in the truth of who you are, it highlights more than just being proud of who you’re becoming, but the impact you can make in the world, no matter how big or small. In a world where anything is possible, “Always be the Light” is the perfect way help children own their destinies, while creating a ‘ripple effect’ of positivity and golden standards.
Unity For Diversity – Together As One A beautiful touching book full of diverse art and soft rhyming stanzas penned from the heart.
Twenty-six talented illustrators were each given complete freedom to express their illustration through their own palette of color, vision, and style. From love to innovation, wonder, adventure, forgiveness, and hope.- each illustration tells it’s own story. Every page comes together to create The Giving World.
Behind the scenes of the creative process; Lean and Huggins wrote The Giving World only after receiving the finished illustrations. Trusting their hearts, vision, and creativity Lean and Huggins hired not one, but 26 illustrators, believing we are always better when we work together. We can’t wait to share The Giving World with you.
This book is about a young girl who is struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It features her “OCD brain” as a separate character outside herself to demonstrate what it feels like to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The story follows Ophelia Clementine Delarose as her OCD brain tries to trick her into various compulsions, and how she manages to overpower those thoughts. Book author Jordyn Croft had based her character’s thoughts and situations on her own experiences.
Well, I am a youth care worker with a degree in child and youth care from the University of the Fraser Valley. I graduated back in 2017 and have been in the field since. I have a BEAUTIFUL emotional support dog that improves my quality of life as I’m someone that struggle with severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Q: How and when did your journey start as a writer?
Over the summer I was off work, since I work for my local school district and school was obviously not in session. I’ve always loved anything creative, but I was honestly laying in bed one night and my mind was flooded with about 3-5 solid ideas for children’s books. One of my best friends calls them “divine downloads” from the universe. I immediately starting jotting everything down and the words just flowed out of me! I came up with character names, story outlines, and so much more all at once. I spent the next few weeks going through everything I had written with a fine toothed comb and reached out for some editing help.
Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I had completed the manuscript and found an illustrator for TWO of my books very quickly, and had them both self-published by August 2021!
Q: Tell us something more about your books?
Both books are based on my own personal experience and teach something valuable. “Ophelia Clementine Delarose has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” is what it feels like to have OCD expressed in illustration, and the story is an example of Exposure Therapy. “Happy Harlow: The Tail of an Emotional Support Dog” is essential what my life with Harlow is like and explains the basics of an ESA Support K-9’s role. Fun fact, a lot of images in that book are based of real pictures I’ve taken of Harlow! Both book titles also include a play on words, did you catch that?
Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
As someone who works closely in education with children and youth, it was very clear to me that I needed my ideas to be presented in easily understandable ways and were available for young kids and their families.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
Harlow from “Happy Harlow” is my support dog and she is just so special that I knew I had to write about her. As soon as I told my mom I was writing, she immediately said “WRITE ABOUT HARLOW!” Again, the stories come from my personal experience, as well as subject matter I’m passionate about, and the characters came to me like magic!
Q: Do you want to leave any message for your readers?
Without promoting my books too much here, I do want to encourage everyone to grab a copy of both books! Share with family, friends, schools, libraries, etc. Both stories are incredibly important to have out in the world and I believe could really help people.
Acts of Kindness is a picture book that illustrates for young readers the profound impact one simple act of kindness can make. Written is rhyme, Acts of Kindness is a fun, engaging read that will easily captivate your little reader.
Nicholas Jon Paul Martin William Annabelle Tydings is a curious young daredevil who walks to the beat of his own drum. His sensible side also yearns for respect. Why do people often tell him things that he knows cannot be true? Young Nicholas brushes off the hype in his matter-of-fact way, silently longing for the love and admiration of the people he holds dear. Will energetic curiosity and a daredevil attitude keep Nicholas from learning the truth about the world around him?