Category: Book Review

April 26, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Understanding Covid-19 with your family: staying home By ZuZu Ismail

“Understanding Covid-19 with your family: staying home” is book 2 in the “Understanding Covid-19 ” series. Book 2 focuses on introducing emotional and life tragedy too children with regards to the pandemic and losing family to sudden life events. Book 2 also focuses on family bonding and addressing the stresses of staying home with your family during the covid-19 shutdown

April 26, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Understanding COVID-19 with your Teacher: A long spring break By ZuZu Ismail

A guide to understanding COVID-19 with fictional characters, for small children and students in virtual learning with teachers and parents.

April 25, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Foxy Moxy By Anne Marie Brown

This beautifully illustrated children’s book recounts the story of inventive and lovable Farrah Fox who was full of ideas that wiggled around between her fox ears. Fear of failure made her insecure about her ideas. Mama Fox reassured her that success is made up listening and learning and a series of u turns and bends.

April 25, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The End Is Just the Beginning By Mike Bender

Starting a book at the end may seem confusing, But the end of one thing is just the beginning of new possibilities.

April 20, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Ferocio, The Last Dragon on Earth By Martha McCollam

Ferocio is a cute and colorful last dragon on earth, he scares people by making loud noises and spewing fires from his mouth. That’s why everyone gets scared and runs away because they thought he was bad.

April 17, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Smart and Beautiful Me By Tamika Mitchell-Wilcher

Smart and Beautiful Me is about Unique, a little girl born with Down Syndrome. Unique finds transitioning to school very difficult with overstimulation and bullies. She is rescued by Teacher T who teaches her a positive mantra to help her see how Smart, Beautiful, and Unique she really is.

April 16, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

My Mammy Knows Everything By Emma Ledden

To small children their mammy’s are their world, they are the fixers, the co-pilots, the movers and shakers in their every day. They can find lost stuff, cook, comfort, cure, play and even send their kids to sleep – sometimes! This book is a celebration of all mammy’s out there and their super- powers.

April 14, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

A Little Girl’s Dream: I Can Do Anything! By Madison Cooks

This is the story of a seven-year-old girl’s first attempt at playing tennis.

When Madison starts her tennis lessons, she sees it as a challenging opportunity to develop her physical and mental agility.

But when her training sessions don’t go the way she’d hoped, will she give up on her dream of becoming a tennis player?

April 13, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Too Much Razzle-Dazzle! By Julie Wolf

Spencer Winkles and his family live above their bakery in the center of town. The Winkles are famous for their tasty pastries, so Spencer also wants to become a master pastry chef.

April 12, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Spencer and the Quarantine Birthday by Julie Wolf

In the story, Spencer and the Quarantine Birthday, children learn that even when life brings strange and unusual circumstances such as a worldwide pandemic, we can adapt by working together to solve life’s problems. Miss Hunnybun encourages her students to use their own special voice to help each other to make our world a better place