March 29, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Doctoroo! & the Case of the Hacking Hippo by Dr. Rachel B. Wellner M.D.

Dr. Marsha Roo and her crew are living in Australia teaching healthy habits to the other animals in their town. But she turns into Doctoroo! to help solve mysteries all over the world! In this book, Dr. Marsha and her friends help Hilda the Hippo, a famous Opera singer, find out why she is so sick. Will they solve the mystery and help Hilda get better before the Queen of England arrives to watch Hilda perform? Find out in this book along with germ fighting tips!

Find the other books and information about the series on our website here:

March 28, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Little Black Girl You’re Such a Chocolate Cutie by Monique Leonard

This book is about a little chocolate girl. She learns through encouragement. And with support and affirmation, she learns just how beautiful and valuable she is. Go on this journey to get to know and learn about her.

March 27, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

This Kid Can Hyperfocus by Patty DeDurr

Kid, the goat, begins his hyperfocus mission thinking about and getting ready for the day.

Throughout this book, This Kid Can Hyperfocus, Kid talks about his amazing brain and finds new and creative ways to bring some smiles to the farm. Will he complete his mission, to bring laughter back, while visiting all the farm animals?

This is an inclusive story of friendship and determination through the eyes of a main character with ADHD.

*Many characters in the book are based on real life hobby farm animals.
*This book is set in a dyslexia-friendly font.
*A portion of all book sales donated to charity.
*Hyperfocus is a superpower for neurodivergent individuals!

March 26, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Sparkle Goes to CandyLand by JayCee Cherry

Sparkle is now old enough to take her first adventure to the amusement park, CandyLand. Each ride is made of Sparkle’s favorite candies. Sparkle also meet a new friend, Diamond. Their friendship grows as they explore all the rides in the amusement park.

March 25, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author JayCee Cherry

My name is JayCee. I began my writing journey in 2017. Never would I had imagined that I would be the author of several books. I’m still in awe.

March 25, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Ava’s Magic Spray by Cedrick Hair PharmD

Ava is a energetic young girl with a beautiful imagination. She loves to run, dance, and go to town with her mom. What makes Ava different than most kids is she has this really cool “magic spray” that helps her breathe. One day, she dances around her living room to the point she can’t breathe. Her mom comes to her rescue. Before long, she is back to her cheerful self. Follow Ava as she takes a trip to her local pharmacy to meet the pharmacist that makes her “magic spray”.

March 24, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Magic and Me by Julia Hall

Amelia has a secret – she can’t do magic!

So when she is forced to stay at the castle with other children that can, she realises how much danger she really is in. She must escape before she is found out!

On her journey to freedom, Amelia makes some very unexpected friends. Maybe saving herself isn’t enough, maybe there is a way to save the whole kingdom?

‘Magic and Me’ is a unique story full of magic and magical creatures. It follows a young 12-year-old girl, Amelia in her quest to discover who she is. With her friends, they develop a dangerous plan that could lead them to freedom or to death.

This is a story of adventure, bravery and friendship that children will enjoy reading time and time again.

March 23, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The Fairies Are Watching You by Julia Hall

Tania is not a good fairy. She delights in making humans miserable. As her plan to upset the human world starts to unfold, she finds herself not as happy as she thought she would be. Was it meeting a child ~ one just like you, that puts doubts in her mind? Will she continue with her evil plan or stop before it’s too late? The Fairies Are Watching You is a unique story that children will love to hear and adults will enjoy reading. It is told by a mischievous fairy called Tania, who loves to make humans unhappy. We follow her in her life to cause mayhem but there are a few surprises along the way…With gorgeous illustrations that really bring the fairy world to life, this is a story that your children will love to engage in time and time again.

March 23, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Best Friends Forever: A Puppy’s Tale by Portia Y. Clare

Best Friends Forever: A Puppy’s Tale by Portia Y. Clare

Best Friends Forever is a heartwarming story that tells children about pet love, friendship, dealing with difficult times and helps them to cope with their feelings and separation anxiety in a friendly manner.

This story follows a little girl Scoopie who is happy to get a new puppy on her fourth birthday. She named her Sandy, and they became instant best friends. Sandy is like her younger sister, and Scoopie takes her on vacations as well.

 One day, Sandy falls ill and is diagnosed with a deadly disease, and it’s a difficult time for both Scoopie and Sandy.

Follow Scoopie on her learning journey to accept and understand the big change in her best friend’s life and how she deals with the loss of her beloved pet with the support of her family.

This book is about the love and warmth that resides with our most treasured puppy friends and teaches children about pet ownership and responsibility. 

Perfect for 3+

Grab your copy from Amazon. 

March 23, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Portia Y. Clare

My name is Portia Y. Clare. I am a left-handed only child who loves spending time with family, bowling, singing, and writing children’s books.