May 18, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

AlphaFete: A Caribbean Carnival From A to Z by Justina Predelus

AlphaFete is a classic experience of Caribbean Carnivals from A to Z. What a festive way to celebrate love all over the world! This book is an invitation to the collective Caribbean culture of history, dance, music, folklore, food, and traditions practiced by west Indian people. After reading this awesome book, download the AlphaFete song and sing along with the lyrics inside, but be careful! This music may cause extreme happiness and inability to stay in your seat!

May 18, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

What If the Names of the Days of the Week?… by Ms. Teilo Baldwin

Getting up for some is a drag. But what if we could rename each day, and look for bright new starts? Read on to see what this young girl and her dog think of.

May 17, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Victoria Daley

I am a 2x self-published Author , Educator ​and a full time Mother to a beautiful now 6-year-old girl, who’s helped birth the chronicles of the Mias World Book Series.

May 17, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

My Friend Icky by Britney Brown

My Friend Icky by Britney Brown
Such a fun learning book that encourages children to clean their room by themselves and at the same time teaches the value of friendship and family.
Zoe is a happy 5-year-old girl with a big imagination.

May 15, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Children’s Bedtime Stories: Animal Superheroes Saving the Planet Sophia Sweet

Join the Group of Five Unusual Superheroes on Their Quest to Save the Planet and Mother Nature
Discover an uplifting and entertaining children’s book that will teach your little ones morals and values, making story time fun and inspirational!

May 14, 2021 by Kidliomag 1 Comment

Love You Always, Gray Elephant by Patricia Maiorano

Have you ever grown an attachment to something? Have you ever had a hard time letting go? Come join Danny on his journey through LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, and some growing pains. Danny has a rough time starting school.

May 13, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Girls Can Be Engineers by Jamila H Lindo

The book stars a young girl named Hannah who is in search of a career for her school’s upcoming Career Day. Each time she chooses a career, she becomes discouraged because her chosen careers seem to be only for boys. With the help of her mother, a structural engineer, she learns she can do anything despite her gender.

May 12, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Just Imagine by Sharon Giannini

“Just Imagine” is a fun and adventurous story about a child’s imagination and the Power of Persistence.

May 12, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Sharon Giannini

Hi my name is Sharon and I am a mom, and self-published children’s author.

May 11, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Sally the Signing Squirrel by Kristy O’Connell

Sally the Squirrel is just like other children her age. She collects nuts, build nests with her family, and goes to school. One thing that makes her special, however, is that she is Deaf.