KidlioMag 3rd Anniversary Magazine
Our 3rd Anniversary and Biggest-Ever Issue is a Heartfelt Tribute to the Readers!
On a personal level, putting together this anniversary edition was exciting, but also challenging for me as I always felt like I grew up with this magazine and with you all, reading your books, interviews, and articles. It is always challenging for me to create content, that our readers are proud of!
I always feel the responsibility of creating content that anyone can read irrespective of their age. This feeling multiplied times when we have the pressure to put together our 3rd-anniversary magazine. Assembling these pages was also an exercise of self-discovery and reevaluation.
I would like to thank all our authors and our contributors for always promoting the magazine. Lastly, and most importantly, thank you to our readers, who have been with us for the last three years.