Category: Book Review

November 8, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Ophelia Clementine Delarose has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by Jordyn Croft

This book is about a young girl who is struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It features her “OCD brain” as a separate character outside herself to demonstrate what it feels like to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The story follows Ophelia Clementine Delarose as her OCD brain tries to trick her into various compulsions, and how she manages to overpower those thoughts. Book author Jordyn Croft had based her character’s thoughts and situations on her own experiences.

November 3, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Acts of Kindness by Melissa Cenatiempo

Acts of Kindness is a picture book that illustrates for young readers the profound impact one simple act of kindness can make. Written is rhyme, Acts of Kindness is a fun, engaging read that will easily captivate your little reader.

November 2, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

That’s Ridiculous, Said Nicholas by Cheryl Taragin

Nicholas Jon Paul Martin William Annabelle Tydings is a curious young daredevil who walks to the beat of his own drum. His sensible side also yearns for respect. Why do people often tell him things that he knows cannot be true? Young Nicholas brushes off the hype in his matter-of-fact way, silently longing for the love and admiration of the people he holds dear. Will energetic curiosity and a daredevil attitude keep Nicholas from learning the truth about the world around him?

October 31, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

We Can Do It! by Dawn McCuin

My book is about a young girl who creates a lot of chaos and mess around her home because she is an inventor and loves to try out new experiments. She has a brother who believes girls cannot be inventors and his sister is annoying more than anything. However, the little girl Raven takes her brother Russell on a historical journey about different black women in history that have invented wonderful creations that contribute to society, that we use every day.

October 31, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Dancing Shapes: Ballet and Body Awareness for Young Dancers by Once Upon a Dance

Dancing Shapes provides an inside gorgeous glimpse into one ballerina’s journey. Konora, whose career has been sidelined by COVID-19, leads readers through warm-up steps, a basic ballet technique lesson, and an exploration of movement and form.

October 30, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The Boy Who Swam to Mars by John Cookman

Join Brock and Teddy on their journey to Mars! Travel through space and to the red planet in hopes of exploring new places, making friends, and being home in time for dinner.

October 30, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

I am Brown by Corinne Archard

A story of how skin colour raised questions for one little girl of mixed heritage and how she began to understand her unique and culturally diverse family. Confused that her skin colour is different to the rest of the family, Tyler goes on a thoughtful journey of discovery to establish her identity.

October 29, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

A Little Sister for Brady by April M. Cox

Having a new baby is a thrilling change, but for an older sibling, it can also be a confusing time.

How can you help your child adjust, and accept their new sibling with an open heart?

A Little Sister for Brady is a beautifully illustrated story with relatable characters and social emotional learning around this important topic.

Unlike other sibling books, the story highlights some initial friction as our little labradoodle adjusts to sharing his toys, treats and even his humans with his new baby sister.

October 28, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The Divatastic Be’s by Nancy Franklin-Wright

The Divatastic Be’s are books that will inspire, encourage, and serve as a reminder to girls that they can choose to be their best self every day, DARING by trying something new, INSPIRED by kindness, VICTORIOUS by keeping a positive attitude and AWESOME by having respect for yourself.

October 28, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Henry the Strange Bee Goes on Holiday by Filiz Behaettin

Join Henry and Mr. Fuzzy Grumpy as they set off on their first African holiday and meet some rather interesting-looking animals along the way. The third book in the ‘Henry the Strange Bee’ series, this beautiful children’s book introduces a variety of animals to the reader and teaches them the importance of showing empathy and acceptance when interacting with others that may appear or be different from them.